Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jason Mecier

Rosie (24x30) Various amounts of junk food
Taylor Swift (30x30) 5000 Good and Plenty's candies

Jason Mecier

Jason was born in los Angeles and did not go to college for his art career, but was rather inspired and taught by his grandmother Anita Tollerfson. He would do little projects with his grandmother when givin objects not often used to create art, like noodles and beans. His grandmother would use the back of cigarette boxes as a canvas, rather than an actual canvas, so this taught Jason that he could make art out of anything he desired.  Jasons art is usually about celebrities because when he was younger, he was obsessed with the popular culture seen on tv. Jason uses hot glue and solvents to attach and preserve his art. His art also is themed to match the celebrity, like Rosie is made out of junk food, and another piece of Sigmund Freud made out of pills.  His Rosie portrait above is one of his most popular, not only is it preserving her image in a candy theme, but you could say it is making fun of her, being made out of junk food. He took a long time to create this image of Rosie, and a lot of junk food that was bought during thrift shops and sometimes mailed to him by other people. Even celebrities would send his there junk in bags so he could recreate it into a self portrait.

     Jason fits our theme by making portraits out of edible ingredients, like candy, chips, nuts, anything you like to snack on when your hungry! His art is themed across the world and he is very popular in the eyes of celebrities because of his unique style and portraits of them.

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